30 Days’ Notice Reflection Activity

Reflection Activity: ’30 Days Notice’

It is hard to imagine the consequences of losing one’s sole source of income, as well as case management support. This is the reality being faced by families who will be hit by the SRSS cuts recently put into place. SRSS support is not much, just 89% of the Newstart allowance, some casework support, and access to torture and trauma counselling. This support is vital for many while their Refugee claims are being assessed.

Given just 30 days’ notice, individuals and families must either find work, or will find themselves without an income. For many who are here in search of safety, their trauma, illness, English language skills, or not having Australian recognised qualifications make employment in the present nearly impossible to procure.

This activity asks us to consider how we would feel placed in such a situation. What would our thoughts be? How would we take care of our families? We can use our imagination to think about what these cuts would mean for us and our families if we found ourselves in the predicament of those who have come here in search of safety, to find themselves cut off from basic support.

Simply download and print off the 30 Days’ Reflection Activity Sheet, and get your students/colleagues/parish group to imagine they have just received a letter from the Department of Home Affairs that says all income and case management support will be cut off in 30 days’ time. Complete the reflection activity and collate the responses.

Please post your parish/school/workplace’s activity sheets to CAPSA, we intend on delivering these reflections to key policy makers and members of parliament so they too can reflect on how these decisions may impact those who seek asylum in our communities, many who come already from situations we can only imagine.

Post to:

Attention: Josh Lourensz 
Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum
PO Box 271
Richmond VIC 3121

Here is a resource to assist in preparing students for activities during NWPA 2018

Here is some information and links to additional resources about the SRSS and the policy changes.
