About Us

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) is about compassion for people seeking asylum. 

We are an alliance of individuals, organisations, schools and parishes from across the Catholic community who advocate for fair and humane treatment for people seeking asylum in Australia.

We know that together WE CAN make a difference.

CAPSA is convened by Jesuit Social Services and supported by an Advisory Group of national representatives.

Our Advisory Group


Compassion for the stranger who has fallen on hard times is at the heart of Jesus’ life and message. Pope Francis has made care for people seeking asylum central for the Catholic community. He has visited camps, begged for refugees to be given a home and prayed at places where they have suffered. We hope to shape a Catholic community united in this kind of compassion. 

How do we work?

We offer a unifying national network that connects and strengthens existing voices for compassion by sharing resources, ideas and inspiration.

We link in with and support those who want to be more active through advocacy. Our actions include events, vigils, forums and workshops. CAPSA also organises an annual National Week of Prayer and Action for Catholic schools, parishes, groups and organisations around Australia.

Want to be part of the change?

You can be a part of effective change. Sign up to CAPSA!

Individuals, parishes, organisations and local groups can all join CAPSA and stay up to date with a monthly e-bulletin. Simply email info@capsa.org.au to sign up.
