A blessing for people seeking asylum
Let us pray a blessing on those who came seeking our protection and on ourselves. Imagine the people who have looked to us to protect them in the middle of our circle. Hold your hand over them and over one another in blessing.
Lord, bless all the people driven from the hills, rivers, fields, the people and the words that make a home.
Bless those who came to us for protection, but are now imprisoned on remote islands, in fear for their safety, separated from their families, dependent on others for everything, and prey to illness of mind and body.
Loving God, bless all those Australians who raise their voices, demanding that as a nation we respect the humanity of our brothers and sisters who have come to us to seek protection.
God our Father, bless all of us gathered here today. May we keep in our hearts and minds all these brothers and sisters of ours who are shut out of their own land and driven from ours.
And may the blessing of our God be upon us all and remain with us in our journeys, the blessing of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
By Fr Andy Hamilton SJ