June 2017 Bulletin
We believe that together we CAN make a difference, starting with small acts of kindness and hospitality and becoming a collective voice demanding more compassionate asylum seeker policies.
Make a tax deductible donation to CAPSA today!
National Week of Prayer & Action

Over the past week, thousands of students across the country have taken action to express their solidarity with refugees and people seeking asylum. They have focused on issues important to them - children being held in detention and the separation of refugee families.
They have added their powerful voices to campaigns to #EndChildDetention and provide a #FairGoForFamilies.
Over 70 schools nationally have taken part and many more will have events later in the year.
Be sure to share these great actions on Facebook.
Refugee Week
Its Refugee Week - a time to recognise the challenges faced by those fleeing persecution all around the world. It is also an opportunity for us to come together in Australia to point to the incredible injustices faced by refugees and people seeking asylum, at the hands of our government.
We Can Do Better. Evacuate The Camps. Bring Them Here. Refugees Are Welcome.
Read this moving piece by Father Andy Hamilton SJ on World Refugee Day.
Families belong together - take our pledge
Love your family?
Currently getting visas for family reunion for refugees can be a
difficult, expensive and very long process: for many it is not even
Let's keep families together!
Sign our pledge to show your support for a #FairGoForFamilies
EVENT: Melbourne Parish Asylum Seeker Support Forum - 11 July
Our friends at Catholic Social Services Victoria are hosting a forum for parishes who have a passion to support people seeking asylum. Guest speakers include Sr Brigid Arthur and Paris Aristotle AO.
You can find full details and ticket information here.
Recommended reading & viewing
'I am crippled with fear': Anger mounts over government's asylum seeker cut-off - Eileen Phillips - SBS News
Refugee are our equals - Justine Toh - Eternity
'He wants them to fail': Lawyers furious over Peter Dutton's 'fake refugee' deadline - Michael Koziol - Wellington Times
Dominician priest joins Christian refugee advocates in week-long prayer vigil outside Brisbane immigration office - Mark Bowling - The Catholic Leader
For $70m, government gets off lightly, but settlement still highlights responsibility for Manus - Alex Reilly - The Conversation