Light the dark: Candle light vigils across Australia

The image of the Syrian child’s lifeless body washed up on the shores of a Turkish beach brought the world to its knees. His name was Aylan Kurdi, and he was just three years old.The sad reality is that Aylan was one among millions of desperate people forced to flee from war and persecution. In 2015, the world is facing a global refugee crisis, but Australia – the lucky country – is not doing enough. We can do better to help these people. We need to do better.On Monday night, we will light a candle. We will shine a light in the dark to remember Aylan Kurdi. We will stand in solidarity with people across the world who are forced to ask for protection, and in protest of Australia’s abandonment of the world’s most desperate.

We will send a message to the world that Australians Say Welcome.

Can you make it? Here’s where events are taking place this Monday. If your organisation would like to support the event, please send an email to
