March 2016 Bulletin




We believe that together we CAN make a difference ... starting with small acts of kindness and hospitality and becoming a collective voice demanding more compassionate asylum seeker policies.

Palm Sunday

On Sunday the 20th of March, thousands of people all over Australia will take to the streets to show their support for a just and humane welcome of people seeking asylum in Australia. Join us for a day of hope and solidarity we we call for #justice4refugees.You can find your local walk on our website using the interactive map.

If you are in Melbourne, join us at 1.30pm on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral. RSVP to join our contingent at the walk.

Let Them Stay - Campaign Update

The #Let Them Stay campaign has continued in momentum and is proving to be a significant moment of change in Australia. Groups across the nation have taken action to urge PM Malcolm Turnbull to let the 267 people seeking asylum stay in Australia.

Asylum Insight provide a great overview of the High Court case that sparked this campaign. You can find information about action's taken by CAPSA and others, Star of the Sea and St Joseph's College Geelong.

You can still sign the ASRC's petition to Malcolm Turnbull to Let Them Stay.

What can I do?

  1. Standing in Solidarity: Schools NDA - CAPSA is working with schools across the country to coordinate a National Day of Prayer & Action in Catholic schools to call for a more just and humane welcome of people seeking asylum. Register your interest in your school being involved.
  2. Get involved in the 2016 Federal Election - From forums to lobbying, CAPSA has a plan to put pressure on leading politicians to show some compassion toward refugees and people seeking asylum. Register your interest in getting involved and keep up-to-date.
  3. Get Creative - Vinnies 'Just Art' competition is upon us and in 2016 the theme is 'Asylum Seekers - Stories of Humanity'. Any one can enter and all mediums are accepted. Check it out here.

Some recommended reading & viewing

Why we walk on Palm Sunday - Andrew Hamilton - CAPSA

The Case for a Radical Sanctuary Movement To Protect Asylum Seekers in Australia - Kathleen McLeod - The Voice

The baby Asha problem in Australia's refugee policy - Biony Kampmark - Eureka Street

How refugee and Nauru detainee Nabi Baqiri became a fruit-picking millionaire - Alana Rosenbaum - The Sydney Morning Herald

Lead Me to Get my Freedom - MC Morev via Free the Children NAURU - a page run by children seeking asylum on Nauru who speak out and share their dreams and hopes with us.

Respect Us, asylum seeker urges government - Shane Worrell - Bendigo Advertiser


