National Day of Action Palm Sunday

Join CAPSA for this 2024 National Day of Action Palm Sunday, to support Justice for Refugees Across Australia
Each year, Palm Sunday is celebrated around Australia as a day the community comes together to stand in solidarity with refugees and people seeking asylum, through a family-friendly event and walk in every capital city across the country. Palm Sunday is also the last Sunday before Easter and the last Sunday of Lent and marks the beginning of the Holy Week.
As part of our continual advocacy for the fair and humane treatment of refugees and people seeking asylum, CAPSA will be attending the Walk for Justice and Peace in Melbourne this Palm Sunday 24th March. This year’s National Day of Action calls for Justice for Refugees and Permanent Protection for All Refugees. CAPSA will be meeting prior to the beginning of the formal events of the day and will be led with a prayer and reflection.
Please join us in Melbourne or attend an event organised at your closest city!
The details for the Melbourne event are:
Walk for Justice and Peace
Formal event from Sunday 24th March 10.30am – 12.30pm
Meet at Parliament Gardens, Spring Street
Walk to State Library, Swanston Street
CAPSA will be meeting prior to the event at Parliament Gardens, we will have our prayer and reflection at 9:45am
The event is organised by the Australian Refugee Advocacy Network (ARAN). We encourage everyone to attend local events across Australia! For details of the event in all capital cities or to find out how to register for a local event or take action in other ways, please visit ARAN’s website here