News & Stories

Medevac repeal vindictiveness foreign to our sense of ourselves as a nation

By Fr Andy Hamilton SJ. This piece was first published by Jesuit Social Services on their blog. Above picture taken during CAPSA-coordinated delegation to PNG – The Bomana Immigration Detention Centre, Port Moresby, where a number of men in need of medical treatment are detained. To a casual…

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The Situation for Refugees in PNG: A breakfast discussion

In early November 2019, CAPSA coordinated a delegation of Catholic leaders* to visit refugees and people seeking asylum in Port Moresby, PNG. The purpose of the delegation was to witness the situation of the refugees and asylum seekers in PNG and demonstrate solidarity with them, and to act…

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Reflections on Port Moresby: Reflections on humanity & resilience & a Call to Action

About this Event Hosted by the Justice and Peace Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. Please arrive at 5.30pm for a 6pm start. Event is FREE. Please register as places are limited:  Panelists: * The Most Reverend Bishop of Parramatta, Vincent Long Van Nguyen (Order of Friars…

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‘Jubilee’ Letter Campaign

CAPSA would like to encourage all of us to join together and participate in the Combined Refugee Action Group‘s ‘Jubilee’ letter campaign. This campaign is in solidarity with numerous statements from various Christian organisations and groups such as the National Council of Churches, The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Catholic Religious…

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‘There has to be a better solution’ for Manus and Nauru

An open letter to our political leaders on hope and change for people seeking asylum and refugees who have been living on Manus and Nauru for the last six years by Paige Van Every. Our four children are fortunate enough to be born here in Australia and they,…

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19th July Offshore Processing Anniversary

19th July 2019 marks six years since former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced that people seeking asylum, arriving by boat, will never be settled in Australia and be processed offshore.  After six years there have been many tragic consequences resulting from this policy including: 2 recent self-immolations12 deathsSplit familiesMany…

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Support Medevac! Contact Senator Jacqui Lambie

During their election campaign the Coalition maintained their commitment to repeal what is now commonly known as ‘the Medevac Bill’. This bill has allowed the transfer of a small number of people from PNG and Nauru to Australia to receive medical treatment they desperately need. It looks almost…

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Why We Walk for Justice for Refugees on Palm Sunday

By Fr Andy Hamilton SJAs we imagine the scene of Palm Sunday, we can’t miss the disconnection between what we see with our eyes and the high meaning it proclaims. We see a man seated precariously on a barrel-like ass, accompanied by a raggle-taggle group of bystanders waving…

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