Migrant & Refugee Sunday – Circle of Silence

This Refugee & Migrant Sunday, we are asking you to host a Circle of Silence in your local community. The Circle of Silence, started by the Franciscans in France in 2007, is an act of solidarity for those migrants and refugees are silenced and not listened to.

You can read more about the action and what it entails here.

If there is no event in your local area, please consider hosting one. It is not difficult and CAPSA can support you.

It is best to host a Circle of Silence in a large, public space so that passers-by see you and can get information about what it is you are doing. An important part of the event is having a discussion before the event, perhaps with someone who has sought, or is currently seeking asylum.


For prayers, reflections and stories, you can access the Migrant & Refugee Kit put together by the Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office.

We’ve designed a flier you can print and hand out on the day. Make sure you follow the print instructions!

Print Instructions:

The flier is double-sided so follow these instructions to print correctly:

  1. Select A4 paper size
  2. Select 2 pages per sheet
  3. Select double-sided (flip on short-edge/short-edge binding)
  4. Print in colour

Migrant & Refugee Sunday 2016

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Migrant & Refugee Sunday 2016 Sponsored by: Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA)