We CAN stand up for change

Every Australian has an important role as an active citizen. This can involve getting informed and engaging in public debate. You can also take part in holding our political representatives to account for the decisions made on behalf of us all. You can write to your MP, visit them to discuss issues, and use the media to share your views or encourage others to join with you. You’ll be surprised how much difference active citizens can make, particularly when we work together.

Two campaigns you can join are below: Action for Afghanistan and Time for a Home

Join the Action for Afghanistan here. So far 307 Organisations and over 9165 people have already signed in support of this call. 187,000 people have signed the petition in support.

Join the Time for a Home campaign, like more than 122 groups and many individuals have, by signing a petition at Asylum Seeker Resource Center here.  

Write a letter to your MP

When Governments make decisions you feel are wrong, you can tell them your view. MPs know that each letter they receive indicates that hundreds of other people feel the same way.

Quick tips for writing a letter

Visit your MP

You can have the most impact on your local MP by meeting with them to share your view. If you follow up with subsequent meetings you could develop a relationship that enables ongoing discussion of the issues.

Quick tips for visiting your MP

Raise your concerns in the media

MPs notice stories in their local media and on social media, as well as in state wide or national media. By writing to the paper, calling talk-back radio, being active on Twitter, or taking an action that makes the ‘news’ you can increase your impact.
