Support Medevac! Contact Senator Jacqui Lambie
During their election campaign the Coalition maintained their commitment to repeal what is now commonly known as ‘the Medevac Bill’. This bill has allowed the transfer of a small number of people from PNG and Nauru to Australia to receive medical treatment they desperately need.
It looks almost certain that Senator Jacqui Lambie will hold the swing vote in the Senate, should the government move to repeal the bill.
We need Tasmanians to let Jacqui Lambie know that they support this basic provision for appropriate medical treatment for people seeking asylum and refugees located offshore.
Actions you can take
Read the two articles below to better understand the Medevac bill. You could then email them to friends or post them to your social media:
Contact Senator Jacqui Lambie’s office directly (choose from the options below)
- Download the proforma letter by clicking here
- Copy and paste the letter and send it to Senator Lambie via email (address below)
- Call her office and let her know Tasmanians support fair access to medical treatment for people seeking asylum and refugees offshore (Telephone number below)
- Send the letter via post (address below)
- Put a notice in your Parish bulletin or School newsletter.
Sample blurb for your School Newsletter or Parish Bulletin:
The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) is asking for Tasmanians to contact Senator Jacqui Lambie’s office and urge that she ensures the Medivac Bill continues to stay in legislation. This is legislation that provides a very small number of sick people the medical care they desperately need. You can find more about the Medevac legislation at ( and should you wish to contact Senator Lambie, a sample letter and contact details are here:
Jacqui Lambie’s Contact Details:
Phone: (02) 6277 3614
Postal Addresses:
Shop 4, 22 Mount Street, Burnie, TAS, 7320
PO Box 6100, Senate, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600