News & Stories

Australia’s response to refugees fleeing persecution: sympathetic words and limited promises

ANDY HAMILTON SJ reflects that in refugee policy, kind words and empty promises in a crisis are not enough – strong political leadership is required to welcome refugees even when populist opinion has turned against them.The Russian war on Ukraine has provoked heart-wrenching scenes of long columns of…

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Palm Sunday Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees 2022

This Palm Sunday, join us across the country as we rally together for justice and freedom for refugees! If you can’t make it in person, consider attending the online forum ‘Fair Go for Refugees: Australia can do better’ held by the Australian Refugee Action Network next Wednesday 6th…

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Federal Budget 2022: CAPSA welcomes announcement of 16,500 additional places for Afghan refugees, urges Federal Government to do more for refugees and people seeking asylum

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) welcomes the Federal Government’s provision of 16,500 additional humanitarian places over four years for refugees seeking protection from the ongoing Afghanistan crisis.While CAPSA is pleased to see this crucial announcement, it expresses concern that the Federal Government continues to allocate…

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CAPSA Webinar: A Call to Prayer and Action for Afghanistan

REGISTER HEREFACEBOOK EVENTThe Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum would like to invite you to our upcoming webinar ‘A Call to Prayer and Action for Afghanistan’ held during the National Week of Prayer and Action 2021.As we continue to watch the conflict in Afghanistan unfold, this webinar will…

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday invites us to consider the price we put on humanity and compassion, writes ANDY HAMILTON SJ.

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CAPSA Year in Review webinar

On Tuesday 15 December 11am-12pm, CAPSA will be hosting a live webinar, which is an opportunity to reflect together on the impact of this year’s events for people seeking asylum, the role of the Catholic community in responding to the huge level of need, what we’ve been able…

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Proposed inhumane changes to Migration Act cannot be allowed to pass

The passing of the Immigration Amendment Act (Prohibiting Items in Immigration Detention Facilities) Bill 2020 would be unnecessarily cruel and have a significantly detrimental impact on the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable people, says the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA).The amendment is due to be…

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Palm Sunday an appropriate day to walk with people who are powerless

Each year on Palm Sunday, small groups in major Australian cities have marched to plead the cause of people who seek protection. This year Coronavirus will prevent the marches, and rightly so. But we should take time to honour the commitment and enthusiasm of the participants, and to…

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